On Sunday, October 20 I rode with Rick as he drove almost 1000 miles in two days from Fresno, California to Sammamish, Washington (not far from Seattle). On the trip we went from the state of California north through the state of Oregon and finally into the state of Washington. Each of these states has its own state government and different laws about things like speed limits on the highway. Each state has its own police force. But all states are part of the United States of America and also share many laws and have the same president.
For the first few hours we drove along Highway 99 through the heart of California's agriculture region. This farming area produces huge quantities of all kinds of food.
In Sacramento, the capital city of California, we got onto a major highway called Interstate 5 (most people here call it I-5). It runs all the way from the border with Mexico to the south of the United State into Canada to the north. From Sacramento on to Seattle we stayed on I-5 the whole way.
Most of the way we could see a mountain range on our right to the east of us. In California the mountains are called the Sierra Nevada Mountains. In the states of Oregon and Washington the mountain range is called the Cascades. Many of the mountains are volcanoes. Some, like Mt. St Helens in Washington state are pretty active.
We stayed the night in Redding and drove on the next day into Oregon and Washington. Here is a map that shows our route.
View Larger MapThere is an photo album in my Google Photos section (Picasa) which includes pictures of some of the places of interest along the way.
There were so many amazing things to see. Here's a map with some of the places of interest marked.
You can click back and forth from the Map button to the "Sat" button. Sat is short for Satellite - which are photographs from the air. You can zoom in and out to see the mountains and even the buildings I've marked.
When you click on something I've marked a bubble will open to show you something I've written about it. Sometimes there are links which you can click to get more information and see other cool stuff - like exploding volcanoes and sinking or collapsing bridges (you gotta see these). To keep the map open, you can click the right mouse button and open the link in a new window or tab.
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